
How to Prepare For Your First Trip With Your Pet

First Trip With Your Pet

Traveling with a pet can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a major source of stress. Taking the time to prepare can help you avoid mishaps and have a safe trip. City Pets is a house calls veterinary practice in Manhattan, NY, in NYC that can provide in home care for your pet before you travel. A veterinarian on our team is here to help.

Traveling with your pet for the first time can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a major source of stress for everyone involved. It is vitally important that you take the time to prepare in order to avoid mishaps, and part of that preparation often involves speaking with your veterinarian. City Pets, Manhattan’s House Call Vets is here to help! Located in NYC, our team consists of highly trained vets, techs, and administrators who are happy to assist the city’s pet owners with their travel plans. Not only can we examine your pet during a pre-travel house call, but the home care we provide will not add more stress to an already stressful situation.

Give Your Pet a Chance to Adjust

New experiences are stressful for animals. You could try to prepare your pet by taking them on shorter trips. For example, you could go on a quick car trip or give your pet a chance to get comfortable with its carrier. This can also give you an opportunity to get used to traveling with your pet so you can spot potential problems for a longer trip.

Many cats and dogs are creatures of habit and new experiences are not always welcome. One way to help your pet adjust to the idea of long trips and staying in new places is to make travel part of their existing routine. New Yorkers are constantly on the move – if pets are allowed, bring them along! Not only will this get them used to their carrier, but it will prevent carriers and new places from having negative associations. You can then progress to car trips, travel via public transportation, and to air travel.

Pack All the Necessary Items

Make sure you have everything you need to keep your pet happy and comfortable. It's a good idea to make a packing list so that you don't forget anything important. Travel items your pet may need include:

  • Medication
  • Puppy pads
  • Food and drink
  • Pet treats
  • Toys and blankets
  • Collar and leash
  • Travel dishes

If you want to know more about other potential items you may need for travel or about special concerns, ask a vet on our team.

Just like humans, pets need to pack too! Make sure you have everything they need to be comfortable. It can be items from home that smell familiar, necessary medications, the same at-home diet, and their favorite treats. The following City Pets approved list can help you keep a comprehensive packing list in mind:

  • Daily medications (including records of type and dosage)
  • Digital copies of your pet’s most recent medical records and vaccine certificate
  • Vet approved calming supplements and sprays
  • Familiar toys and blankets
  • Food and water
  • Travel dishes
  • Favorite treats
  • Collars, harnesses, leashes, and ID tags
  • Properly sized, secured, and ventilated crates/carriers
  • Absorbent pads and other soft lining for the carrier

As always, please speak with your trusted veterinarian for other potential traveling necessities. City Pets’ team is more than happy to assist with any questions. Finally, ensure that your beloved pet is microchipped and easily identified should a worst-case scenario occur!

Find a Safe Way to Keep Your Pet Secure

For your pet's safety, it should be kept in a properly ventilated carrier or crate. Make sure that your pet has enough room to sit, stand, and turn around. Take the time to properly secure your pet's carrier so that it won't move around if you must make sudden stops. Ask a vet on our team if you are unsure how to secure your carrier for travel.

As previously mentioned in the standard packing list, proper crates and carriers are essential. For your pet’s safety and comfort, the carrier should be properly ventilated and it should be the correct size. In other words, your pet should be able to sit, stand, lie down, and turn around comfortably.  The crate or carrier should also be secured in a way that makes certain it won’t move around or be propelled by a sudden stop. If you’re unsure about the safety or suitability of your traveling arrangements, reach out to our City Pets team in New York City.

Reach Out to for a Veterinarian at Our House Calls Veterinary Practice

If you're in NYC, and you're planning a trip with your pet, City Pets can help you prepare. Our Manhattan, NY, practice offers in home care and is always happy to make a house call. Reach out to us at (212) 581-7387 if you'd like to make an appointment for a house call or to learn more.

For more information regarding home pet care prior to your upcoming trip, contact City Pets, Manhattan’s House Call Vets so that our team can help you prepare your pet for new adventures. We’re happy to provide compassionate and effective care to the pets of NYC! Reach out to us at (212) 581-7387 to make a house call appointment or to speak with a member of our NY team.

Travel by air is complex and potentially dangerous so please, make sure to read our City Pets featured article for helpful information: 

Have a Question about Pet Health or Veterinary House Calls?

Just Send us an Email.

We Service all of Manhattan

Call City Pets Vets® at (212) 581-7387 or (212) 581-PETS today!

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