
Dermatology FAQs

Skin problems are common in pets and can range from a temporary disruption to a more chronic condition. Your vet can help determine the source of the issue and provide effective measures to control symptoms. At City Pets, the premier in-home veterinary service in Manhattan, NYC, we provide experienced care for pets with troublesome skin problems. Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions we receive about pets’ dermatology.

Dermatology FAQs

What causes common skin problems in pets?

Pets sometimes develop a rash or redness after an insect bite. Parasites, like fleas or mites, can cause severe skin reactions, redness, lesions and hair loss. Allergies can also cause reactions on the skin or ear infections. Dry skin from a heated indoor environment can also cause skin irritation. Some animals even have sensitive skin, and contact with harsh cleaning chemicals or grooming products can lead to rashes. These factors can all contribute to pets’ skin issues, taking a bit of trial and error to find the fundamental cause.

How does the veterinarian diagnose your pets’ dermatology problems?

City Pets’ vets have many tools to determine what ails your pet’s skin. City Pets’ vets will check for external parasites contributing to the upset skin. We will also check for any signs of an insect bite that may have caused a reaction. Contact with household cleaners, grooming products or other chemicals will be investigated. If indicated, blood and skin tests to detect allergies will be administered to pin down the problem. If a food allergy is suspected, an “elimination diet” that feeds only one food element at a time will be recommended.

What treatments are available to help your pets’ dermatology problems?

City Pets’ vets may prescribe antihistamines; antibiotic creams to eliminate infection of areas; or injection of steroids or oral steroid pills. If parasites caused the skin issue, our vet will provide medications to eliminate these pests. When food sensitivity is suspected, City Pets will recommend certain types of food known to cause fewer reactions and then monitor your pet over the trial. Multiple methods are combined to provide full relief for the animal.

Make City Pets Vets® your house call veterinary service in NYC.

Dr. Amy Attas and Dr. Danielle Dalton have designed their practice for pet owners who prefer a house call rather than bringing their pets to the vet’s office. We provide a wide range of veterinary services in your home to make veterinary care less stressful for pets and less time-consuming for pet owners. Contact City Pets today at (212) 581-7387 for an in-home Manhattan vet visit to keep your pets healthy at every stage of life. 

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