
Pet Euthanasia

Manhattan NYC Vet Offers In-Home End of Life Services

Call (212) 581-7387 today!

a dog looking outside from a window in New York

Your pets are members of your family, and depending on how old they are, they may have been a part of that family for a very long time. Saying goodbye is inevitable, and it's one of the hardest things to do for a pet parent. At City Pets, serving Manhattan, NYC, and the surrounding areas, we know the joys and relationships these pets bring into our lives.

A pet experiences joy, peace, stability, safety, and happiness when they come to live in our home. Many of these things are violated when pets become chronically ill, requiring extreme and often costly medical care. Some pets also live to the point where they've lost their hearing, sight, or control over their bowels. Putting our pets to sleep when it's time is a gracious and kind thing to do. Knowing when exactly to do that is different for each pet and pet parent. Often, a pet parent will "just know," and this is valid.

House Calls Veterinary Services Provide in Home Euthanasia

Our veterinarians firmly believe in pets receiving the best possible care in the comfort of their own homes. This care extends to having a house call done to take care of end-of-life services. We know your pet will be more comfortable saying goodbye in familiar and loving surroundings. Other pet companions will sense the loss and know they are gone from the physical world. This intuitive confirmation can help other pets move forward, rather than just being confused or saddened by not having their companions not come home one day.

The euthanasia process is gentle and painless for your pet. The process involves our veterinarian giving pets strong general anesthesia, enough to put them in a profound sleep where they do not feel anything. This process is like how humans "go under" for surgery. They are asleep and do not feel anything during the procedure. When pets are in this state, they are peaceful, relaxed, and feel no pain. At that point, finishing the process is more about your timing and peace. 

When it's time, our veterinarian will administer a medically approved dose of a drug that will stop your pet's heart. Pets do not feel any of this, they are already sound asleep. They slip away quietly, peacefully, and their suffering is permanently over. As the pet parent, you helped stop their pain. In these cases, you did the right thing.

During this process, the family may be present or away, whatever is best for your circumstances. After your pet has passed on from this world to the next, we can take your pet's remains and ensure they are either cremated or buried in a dedicated and loving pet cemetery.

Contact Your NYC Trusted In-Home Veterinarian for Your Pet's End-of-Life Care

Many pet owners find it difficult to say goodbye to their furry friends. We understand this and want you to know that we are here for you during your time of need. Our team provides compassionate care and the highest quality end-of-life services for all your pets as needed. To learn more about how City Pets can help, contact us today for more information!


In-Home Services

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We Service all of Manhattan

Call City Pets Vets® at (212) 581-7387 or (212) 581-PETS today!

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