

Like people, some pets suffer from dermatological issues, particularly now that it’s Spring allergy season. If your pet starts to show any indications of a skin problem – which could be indicated by the signs discussed below -- contact City Pets Vets® in Manhattan to make an appointment with one of our in-home veterinarians for an assessment of the condition.

Dermatology for Pets

Here are some specific examples of common dermatology problems.

Hair Loss

If your pet has a skin condition, it may be indicated by a loss of fur in that area. If you notice your pet is missing fur on portions of its body, look closely at the exposed skin to see if there is a noticeable discoloration or rash. Constant scratching at areas where the skin is bothersome to the pet could also lead to hair loss. Interestingly, as in people, hair loss might result from an anxiety problem, which is also a condition that may require the attention of City Pets Vets®’ vets.


A rash on a pet's skin usually requires medication to clear it up entirely. You may need to part your pet's fur to look at the skin in detail and see if your pet’s skin feels rough, bumpy or painful to the touch. Rashes are also indicated by a red appearance, although that color could also indicate a “hot spot” created by intense scratching, which itself can result from a dermatological problem such as an allergy. Rashes which result in small skin bumps may be harder to see, as the skin bumps can be the same color as the pet's skin so be sure to gently touch the area.


An allergic reaction could cause skin irritation for your pets, and allergies can easily come from the heavy pollen that Spring brings, even in New York City. Food allergies are also common, and they can express themselves on the skin or by generalized itchiness. Food allergies can be pinned down through a process of food change and elimination, and City Pets Vets®’ veterinarians are skilled in determining specific allergies. Possibly, too, your pet could be allergic to a grooming supply, like a new shampoo, in which case avoid using it for a while to see if the symptoms of the reaction disappear. If not, or if you have difficulty pinpointing the exact trigger causing an allergic reaction, City Pets Vets®’ house call veterinarians will conduct a detailed skin exam to determine the right course of treatment.


Fleas, if present, will bite your pet’s skin, leaving behind small, itchy welts. It is important to remove the fleas as soon as possible because they multiply at a rapid rate and can even spread to people. City Pets Vets®’ in-home veterinarians will recommend topical treatments or medicated flea collars to use for flea eradication. In many cases, the skin irritation will clear on its own after the fleas are eliminated from the body, though if the skin condition remains, medication will be needed to heal the area.


Dry skin leads to itchiness for a pet as it does for people, particularly in Winter months when the air has very low moisture content. A pet that scratches constantly may be indicating a dry skin condition and may even make it worse by creating ‘hot spots’ where the scratching is particularly intense. If you notice dry skin or unusual scratching, City Pets Vets® can help you determine if this is the case. Note that in these cases you should avoid bathing your pet too often, as soaps can deplete your pet’s necessary essential skin oils.

When your dog or cat appears to have a skin condition, contact City Pets in Manhattan if your dog or cat is suffering from a dermatology problem. To find out more information about pet skin problems and treatments options, call City Pets Vets® at (212) 581-7387 (212-581-PETS).

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