
Lameness & Limping in Manhattan, NY

Lameness & Limping in Your Dog Means a 

Visit to the Veterinarian

A number of issues can cause lameness and limping for your dog. Sometimes they're obvious, but sometimes they're not. If you're seeing your dog limping and you're not sure why, make an appointment with our veterinarian at City Pets Vets® in New York City. We're ready to help you help your pet feel better and help them walk comfortably once again. 

image of a lying dog

Recognizing Signs of Lameness & Limping

It's always a good thing to know your dogs' natural gait and when they're not walking normally. Dogs don't always show you how badly they're hurting and may instinctively hide their pain. The moment you notice something is wrong with your dogs' gait, check them for potential causes of pain.

Dogs have a four-beat gait when they walk. Watch your dogs and you'll notice that they have one foot in the air at a time. You'll see a rhythm in their bodies as each shoulder and hip rises and falls in connection with each stride. That rhythm is the same each time they go through a walking cycle. If they are hurting, dogs' walking cycles change as they favor the limb that is causing pain. You'll spot a problem more quickly when you're aware of how your dogs walk. 

Common Causes of Limping & Lameness 

A number of issues can cause a dog to limp. They range from a cut in a pad of the paw to arthritis. Sometimes the limp looks like it's the result of a cut in the paw, but can actually be something more serious like a patellar luxation. Causes include:

  • Fractures
  • Dislocation
  • Dysplasia of the hip or elbow
  • Tendinitis
  • Insect bites

Steps to Take When Your Dog is Limping

First look for wounds or sores on your dogs' legs and paws. If you don't find a wound or an object stuck in the paw, your next move is to use your hands to find the cause of pain. Give your dog a gentle physical exam with your hands. You can run your hands gently over your dogs' legs and joints to determine if they react to light pressure. In the event your dogs flinch, pull away, or otherwise react to you touching them in a specific area, you may have found the source of the pain. Don't wait for the pain to go away on its own as it can make things worse for your dogs. The next step is to make an appointment with the vet for a professional exam, diagnosis, and treatment of the problem. 

Contact Us Today for an Appointment

Give us a call at City Pets Vets® in New York City today for an appointment for your pets. Our veterinarian staff are here to provide your pet with the best possible care. We'll get to the source of the issue that's causing your pet pain and help them feel better.


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We Service all of Manhattan

Call City Pets Vets® at (212) 581-7387 or (212) 581-PETS today!

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