
Seizures Treatment in Manhattan, NY

An Overview of Pet Seizures

Dogs and cats, like people, can suffer from seizures.   A seizure may come on very suddenly and may cause a temporary lack of consciousness.  During the seizure there may be abnormal movements of the front and back legs, excessive salivation and even urination and defecation. 

picture of a black dog

Most seizures last for a few seconds to a few minutes.  If the seizure lasts longer, then one should seek emergency veterinary services.  In such an emergency situation, medications can be used to stop the seizure.  Call City Pets Vets® immediately ((212) 581-7387).

Seizures are caused by excessive discharge of neurons in the brain.  They can occur as a one-time event caused by such things as a metabolic disturbance, trauma to the head or intoxication from ingestion of poisons, alcohol or drugs.  Usually, such a one-time seizure is not ultimately harmful nor does it indicate a significant underlying condition. However, if seizures happen more frequently, then the underlying cause of the seizures must be determined, and you should call City Pets Vets® to discuss this with a veterinarian.

The most common cause of seizures in dogs and cats is epilepsy, where seizures could occur periodically. After an epileptic seizure ends, the animal appears completely normal.  Therefore, to make this particular diagnosis, City Pets Vets® Vets would do a full in-home veterinary examination, including blood tests.  If epilepsy is diagnosed, anti-seizure medication is quite effective in decreasing the frequency of seizure occurrence. 

Frequent seizures can be a very serious sign when pets do not feel well after the seizure is over.  A full veterinary examination, blood tests and then imaging -- such as MRI or CT scan -- would then be used to determine the underlying cause.   In older pets, seizures may be a sign of a brain tumor, and such scans can usually identify this condition, which may in fact be treatable.

There is nothing one can do to shorten the course of a seizure; just make sure that your pet doesn’t injure himself if it is thrashing about during the seizure.  If possible, take a video with your phone to show your City Pets Vets® veterinarian.  Always note and tell us how long the seizure lasts by timing it, as such information is useful in making a diagnosis.

Call City Pets Vets® Today to Make an Appointment with a Skilled Veterinarian

This is a brief overview of pet seizures, which might be a medical emergency. At City Pets Vets®, we are here to help New York City pet owners with all their pet healthcare needs. This includes pet seizures.

So if your pet has seizure disorder, then you should be in touch with a City Pets Vets® veterinarian, who can provide your pet the right assistance. If this is your pet’s situation, please call us today ((212) 581-7387) to make an appointment with our team so we can address your pet’s seizure disorder.

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