
Senior Pet Exams in Manhattan, NY

Manhattan Veterinarian Provides in Home Senior Pet Visits

We all love our pets. From the moment we first meet them to the day we finally have to say goodbye, our pets brighten and enrich our lives. At City Pets in Manhattan, NY, we provide in-home veterinary services to senior pets to keep them more comfortable.

old dog taking a nap

House Calls Keep Your Senior Pet Healthier

All pets above the age of seven are considered senior pets. Because animals age differently than humans do, you might notice more and more signs of aging in your furry loved one with each passing year. Older pets, ideally, need to be seen by a veterinarian twice a year instead of once.

More frequent check-ups allow our veterinarian to spot early warning signs of disease or difficulty your pet might be soon experiencing. We can then diagnose changes in movement, personality, and behavior your pet may be experiencing. Many of the same things done during an office exam can be done at home, including blood draws. House calls like these are easier on pets, especially senior pets.

Preventative Care for Senior Pets Changes as They Change

As your pets age, they will need special care to remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Your senior pet will still need annual vaccines, dental cleanings, and other everyday things. Your furry companion may also require additional senior care such as:

  • Switching to a different brand of food with varying ratios of ingredients based on your pet’s health needs.
  • Switching to a food that contains special enzymes to help with digestion and elimination issues.
  • Tooth removal or other oral surgery.
  • Adding supplements or vitamins approved by your vet.
  • Changing your pet’s exercise levels or routines.

All pet parents should watch for sudden changes in bowel movements, number of occurrences, and eating or drinking habits. 

As your pet ages, it's OK walk a shorter distance and sit in a favorite park area instead of exercising like you used to. If you have stairs in your building, our veterinarian can prescribe pet pain killers to give your pet the relief he needs to get up and down.

Contact Our Trusted NYC Veterinarian

Our entire team at City Pets in Manhattan, NY, looks forward to helping you with your senior pet care needs. We schedule convenient in-home visits when necessary so you and your furry loved one don't have to endure the stress of travel. Call us today for an appointment!

In-Home Services

Have a Question about Pet Health or Veterinary House Calls?

Just Send us an Email.

We Service all of Manhattan

Call City Pets Vets® at (212) 581-7387 or (212) 581-PETS today!

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm



